PictoDroid Lite is an application for Android devices that allows users to communicate through the use of pictograms or Picts (signs that represent schematically a symbol, a real object or a figure). This Lite version only allows to express very specific actions in the punctual mode, creating sentences starting with:
- let’s go to…
- I want to play…
- I want to go to the bathroom…
- I want to drink…
- I want to eat….
- I am…
Upon the selection of each Pict, the system proceeds to read the pict selected.
In accumulative mode, it allows the creation of simple sentences, by the selection of subjects, verbs, objects, adverbs and adjectives. Upon the completion of the whole sentence created by picts, the system reads the complete sentence.
All Picts may be modified or deleted and you may add as many as needed. The process is explained in the application manual available in www.accegal.org. If you have questions or difficulty in setting PictoDroid Lite you can contact us by email contacto@accegal.org and we will try to help you.
PictoDroid Lite is available to Android Market or directly from our webpage:
The user’s guide is available in english [Download User’s Guide (PDF)].
We recommend reading the blog Faticreando from our advanced user Fátima Mikel where she tells her experience with PictoDroid Lite and how to configure it in the next pages (in Spanish): La tecnorevolución, Personalizando el habla electrónica y Configurando PictoDroid el habla electronica, segundo asalto.
The application uses the Picts of ARASAAC (http://arasaac.org/), created by Sergio Palao and distributed with Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA), but you can configure it to use other Picts and even real images.
The next video explains the use of the app in punctual mode (in Spanish).
The next video explains the use of the app accumulative mode, avaliable from version 2.0 (in Spanish).
You can see an example of using the pictograms manager in the video below:
Of the users manager in the video below:
Of the accumulation of pictogramas at the top of the screen in the video below:
And of the use of different languages in the video below:
In this section, we have the different boards developed for the application PictoDroid Lite. To use them, simply remove the folder PictoDroidLite from your device and replace it with the folder PictoDroidLite from the downloaded board. The procedure is explained in the manual of PictoDroid Lite. If you have any questions please contact us.
Board with 12 squares from ARASAAC (in Spanish): Board for punctual mode available in Materiales de ARASAAC explained in blog Informática para Educación Especial and blog de ARASAAC.
Default punctual board in English: Available here.
Default accumulative board in English: Available here.
Default punctual board in French: Available here.
Default accumulative board in French: Available here.
Informática para la educación especial: PictoDroidLite: una fantástica herramienta para la comunicación aumentativa y alternativa con pictogramas de ARASAAC
ARASAAC Blog: PictoDroidLite: una fantástica herramienta para la comunicación aumentativa y alternativa con pictogramas de ARASAAC
App Circus: PictoDroid Lite
hijosdigitales.es: Smartphones y tablets para personas con discapacidad
Aulautista’s weblog: PictoDroid y PictoDroid Lite
Faticreando: La tecnorevolución, Personalizando el habla electrónica y Configurando PictoDroid el habla electronica, segundo asalto.
Codigo Cero: ReallyLateBooking gaña a primeira edición compostelá de AppCircus
Codigo Cero: Presentada unha aplicación galega que mellora a comunicación de persoas con diversidades funcionais e cognitivas
EuropaPress: Enxeñeiros e pedagogos galegos crean unha aplicación para Android que mellora a comunicación de persoas minusválidas
Aulautista: PictoDroid y PictoDroid Lite
Programa de apoyo a familias ASPANAES: PictoDroid Lite: Sencillo y directo