We are happy to present the new version 3.1 of PictoDroid Lite!
This new version introduces three new features:
1) Natural Language Generation in Spanish: thanks to this new feature (activated in Menu, Settings, last option of Audio and Language), sentences in accumulative mode will be generated using natural language, taking into account gender, number, person and verb tense. The application must be configured in accumulative mode and the language of the app and synthesizer in Spanish.
2) Side menu on the left: in many devices it was difficult to access the options menu. Now it is available by swiping from the left side of the screen.
3) Swedish language: thanks to the translations of Björn Carnstam, we have this new language in the application.
We’ve uploaded this new PictoDroid Lite version to Google Play and our web:
Here you can have a look at screenshots of the new features of the app.